Services & Specialties

    Have you ever wanted to revisit an event that happened previously in your life? What about reliving a previous life? This session is designed to walk you through things from our past to resolve issues that occurred then.

Regression Therapies

Early Life Trauma | Past Lives Therapy | Life Between Lives

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    Great sports programs include visualizations. Let me help you train your mind to maximize your muscle training by unclocking the power of the subconscious mind to bring these visualizations to reality.

Physical Performance

Sports Enhancement | Endurance Training | Martial Arts

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    Need a boost of confidence? Do you feel like you can't focus or concentrate? My Super Learning Therapies are designed to help those who need focus,clarity, and confidence in daily tasks and for exam taking.

Super Learning

Memory Enhancement | Test Anxiety | Super Focus

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    HypnoBirthing empowers a mother to access her natural ability to birth as nature intended and educates her and her partner on the truths of birthing without fear, stress, or agony.


Natural Birthing | The Way Nature Intended

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    Mindfulness cultivates focus, emotional intelligence, self-awareness and well-being - all of which help you better manage stress, relationships and daily life.

Mental Clarity

Self Compassion | Healthy Sleep | Stress Relief

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    Fear greatly limits human potential by paralyzing us from taking risks, facing challenges, and stepping outside our comfort zones - all of which are necessary for growth, learning, achievement, well-being and realizing our fullest capabilities.

Conquer Fears

Release Anxiety | Manifesting | Positive Mental Attitude

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    The Akashic Records is like a giant library in the sky where everything that has ever happened or will happen for every soul is recorded. Every question's answer is within here.

Akashic Readings

Life Path & Purpose | Ancestral Healing | Life's Answers

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    Our dreams emerge from the unconscious mind and reveal nature's truth with self-purity, free of the bias of human consciousness. Interpreting messages can aid us with meaning, purpose, and how to be one's true self.

Dream Analysis

Subconscious Messages | Relationships | Release Fears

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